Sunday, April 10, 2011

From birth I have relied on you.....

I was going to start this by asking you to close your eyes and tell me what picture comes to your mind when you hear the word "dependency".......but then I realized your eyes need to actually be opened to read this.  So maybe after this good read, you can try it!
The question on my mind is, what does it look like to be completely dependent on God?  For me when I close my eyes and think about it, the picture of a mother nursing her newborn baby comes to mind, or believe it or not, a mother bird feeding  her young  from her mouth.   Im not sure why.  But I dont like it.  Thats a little to dependent for me. It could look different to another person.  Maybe ones dependency could be similar to a rock climber and his harness....and so on.  Of course there are different seasons in our life.  I suppose I could relate it to how a child grows up under their parents wing. Eventually they have to leave the "nest" if you will but they always need their....covering.
As you have seen in previous posts I am a pretty strong individual....and I like to think that I am a person that can carry my own.  Im not saying I am resistant to help...we all need each other.  But I am saying that I am deeply confused as to how I am suppose to be who I am but yet give that over to God as if what He has given me to function in this life doesnt matter.  How am I suppose to be completely reliant on Him and yet be a strong leader/person? I guess the problem is that I see reliance on God as a weakness and not a strength as God tells us it is.
I think I have also seen too many people use God as a crutch for their problems and it has really bothered me through the years.  I have been around people who say "well I am just trusting the Lord to provide for me." While that is a great response, it can sometimes be an excuse to ignore issues in that persons life that caused them to get to that point, where they were desperate for a "breakthrough" .  Maybe they arent very good with money and actually what they need is a lesson in how to manage finances.  I dont think that would take away from their dependence on God, but I have known some who disagree.
I believe God gave us brains to think and  hands to create. When you need things you go get work. While all that is biblical  when does it get to the point where its pride and self sufficiency?
 It is dangerous to  think that we dont need God especially when He is the one who gave us the right to breath and thrive.  There is a verse in Psalms that I love so much , Psalm 71:6 From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb. I will ever praise you.  I want to learn more and more everyday how to properly rely on Him. close your eyes .....what do you see when you hear the word dependency or dependent?


  1. The image I saw when I closed my eyes was someone holding onto a huge guy's hand. It wasn't a permament grip where you couldn't let go, but rather a grip that was there when the strength was needed, and also able to be flexible and released when it was time for the person to do something on their own and gain in their own strength. BUT the grip was always there to get back to.

    I guess this is kinda my view of God. Funny how that correlates when you just asked me to give first image in mind with dependency. :) I love that analogy! You are SO right when you mentioned how people use this as a crutch, "trusting" God to take care of them, yet they aren't willing to use what He has already given them to make the very thing happen they are waiting for. Great point.

    I think it is false humility when we are doing this: waiting for God to "act" on behalf in our lives, when He already HAS by giving us the tools we need to succeed. I believe you can be dependent on Him while also using the tools He has given you in life to do the very things you are asking Him to do. :)

  2. ok...let's try this again!
    The picture I had of dependence was actually a memory I have of me and my first best friend, Jenny. We were friends in Pre-school. She was crippled and had to use crutches to get around (funny how you mentioned crutches). At home she never used her crutches and would pull herself along the floor on her belly (which I would do with her so she wasn't lonely). I used to take one of her bright red crutches in my left hand and then hook my right arm over her shoulders and behind her neck. She would hook her left arm over my shoulders and behind my neck, and take the other crutch in her right hand. We would "walk" around like this as long as the adults in our lives would let us. We even won the three legged race one time using this technique. She had to depend on me to help steady her when we walked that way.

    I also find it to be true that at times others substitute laziness (my term) for faith. God does give us tools to aid us in finding freedom and breakthrough, but we have to pick them up! Those of us who are working at our relationship with Christ are called to come alongside those type of people and teach them how to allow God to undo all those negative patterns in their life. It is that changing power of Christ that makes the difference.

    Being dependant upon God is including Him in everything we do. This is hard because we get impatient, or think we've heard what He has asked us to do. When we submit our thoughts, our plans, and our dreams to Him, and ask Him to give us His heavenly to-do-list, then we are depending on Him. This produces that faith that is needed in tough times...those times where HE really does need to come through for us because it is impossible for us to do anything. Learning to be with God, move with God, and listen to Him is depending on Him...this doesn't take away from that which He made you to be, it enhances you and makes you ALL you can be.

    I believe Moses is someone who knew this well. He spent a lot of time with God and he was an amazing leader. He had weaknesses (stuttering)and almost didn't do what God asked him to.

    Not depending on God, one time, cost Moses the opportunity to be in the promised land...that's another topic for discussion. I wonder how many promises of God have been missed because of failure to depend on Him?

    Love you Christine and admire how God made you!
